Case Studies / Pink Wig Project

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In 2022, I had the opportunity to work with the Pink Wig Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and resources for individuals going through cancer treatment. My role was to design and develop a new website for the organization, with a focus on improving conversion rates and accessibility.

To begin the project, I conducted extensive research on the target audience and their online behaviors. This allowed me to create a user-centered design that would effectively engage visitors and drive them towards taking action, such as making a donation or signing up for volunteer opportunities. Through thoughtful layout and intuitive navigation, I aimed to make it as easy as possible for users to find the information they needed and take the desired actions.

In terms of visual design, I incorporated the Pink Wig Project's branding guidelines while infusing a sense of warmth and compassion into every aspect of the website. By using soft pastel colors and incorporating images of individuals wearing pink wigs, I aimed to create an emotional connection with visitors that would inspire them to support the cause.

To ensure accessibility for all users, I followed best practices in web development. This included implementing alt tags for images, providing clear headings and labels for screen readers, optimizing page load times, and ensuring compatibility across different devices and browsers. By prioritizing accessibility, we were able to reach a wider audience and make it easier for people with disabilities or impairments to engage with the Pink Wig Project.

The results of our efforts were truly remarkable. In just three months after launching the new website, we saw a 50% increase in online donations compared to the previous year. Additionally, our conversion rate improved by 30%, meaning more visitors were taking action on the website. The enhanced accessibility features also received positive feedback from users with disabilities, who expressed gratitude for being able to navigate and interact with the website seamlessly.

Overall, working on this project was incredibly fulfilling as it allowed me to use my skills in graphic design and web development to make a positive impact. The success of the 2022 Pink Wig Project website demonstrates the power of user-centered design, accessibility, and emotional storytelling in driving engagement and achieving organizational goals.