
Just the highlights - if you are interested in something that isn't listed here, do not hesitate to reach out!

Web Development

Full stack web development. From fully custom web applications (I love React), to basic Wordpress or Shopify deployments, I can handle it all

Social Media Management

I have helped both small businesses and large public institutions plan, implement, manage and monitor their Social Media strategy across all platforms. I have managed social media accounts with an excess of 250,000 followers.

Graphic Design

I have extensive experience using Adobe Suite (or client's preference - eg Canva) to create logos, templates, brand assets, and more to promote brand growth.

Ad Campaign Management

Experienced in both Facebook and Google ad campaigns, I have helped achieve numerous goals through targeted ad campaigns.

Brand Management

Using my skills as a full stack digital marketer, I have been able to successfully manage multiple brands across all platforms. I have developed strategies, marketing campaigns, and more to accomplish goals.

Content Creation

I have helped both brand and individuals create various forms of content for virtually all platforms - both short and long form video, graphics, and more.