Case Studies / PAC 360 Design

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In 2023, I had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with PAC 360 Design, a local biofriendly packaging company, to propel them onto the national stage by launching an eCommerce website. As the sole designer on this project, I was tasked with creating a new logo and building a website from scratch.

To begin, I conducted extensive research on PAC 360 Design's target audience and competitors within the packaging industry. This allowed me to gain invaluable insights into their market positioning and identify areas for improvement. Armed with this knowledge, I set out to design a brand-new logo that would capture the essence of their environmentally-friendly products while also appealing to a wider consumer base.

With the logo finalized, I proceeded to create a user-friendly and visually captivating eCommerce website that showcased PAC 360 Design's diverse range of biofriendly packaging solutions. The website featured intuitive navigation, clear product descriptions, and high-quality imagery that highlighted the eco-conscious materials used in each package. By prioritizing aesthetics and functionality, I aimed to create an immersive online shopping experience for customers.

Once the website went live, PAC 360 Design experienced significant growth in both online traffic and sales. Within the first six months of launch, website visits increased by an impressive 150%, resulting in a substantial boost in revenue for the company. Furthermore, customer feedback indicated that they found it easy to navigate through products and make purchases seamlessly.

Building on this success, we implemented various digital marketing strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO) and social media advertising campaigns tailored specifically to target environmentally conscious consumers across different regions of the country. These efforts resulted in further growth for PAC 360 Design as their online visibility improved significantly.

In conclusion, my collaboration with PAC 360 Design in 2023 proved highly fruitful as we successfully elevated their local presence to a national level through the creation of an engaging eCommerce website. With a revamped logo that resonated with consumers and an optimized online platform, PAC 360 Design experienced substantial growth in online traffic, sales, and brand recognition. By combining strategic design decisions with targeted digital marketing initiatives, we were able to position PAC 360 Design as a leading player in the biofriendly packaging industry.